3 column orange style blogger template

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Here's another 3 column blogger template with two sidebars on the right and a top section above them also it has navigation links beneath the header it is fully widgetized

the features of this template include a built in search box the fonts can be customized through your blogger dashboard the sidebars, navigation links and top section are fully widgetized

Demo | Download

you need to add a linklist gadget for the navigation links to show if you like this template or use it leave your comment and let me know

44 Responses to “3 column orange style blogger template”

well pitched said...

Thanks a lot buddy for sharing such wonderful information with all of us. I explored hundreds of sites for finding the tricks to play with templates but even then i couldn't make valueable changes to my blog. But from your blog i got all the required things.

Lawny said...

you are welcome anytime ;-)

Jeff Branch said...

Lawny - is there a way to add a "Most Recent Comments" gadget in one of the sidebars?

Lawny said...

add a feed widget and paste the url of your blog comment link it should be something like


don't forget to replace YOURBLOGURL with the url of your blog

After wanting comments to show in my blog side bar, I finally have them! Thanks.

riri said...

hai, thanks for template. i use this template...

Thanks for this template!


bob said...


Is it possible to add a 'widget' above the title bar? I'd like to place a banner ad above the orange title bar.


Lawny said...

yes it is however you will need to do some coding on the layout to create a widgetized section above the header

bob said...

I have no idea how to code. Is it difficult? Is there a sample code that you can point me to? (something I can just cut and paste?)

Lawny said...

coding is easy once you know how it all works and i'm sorry that i don't have any sample code that you could copy and paste also you would need to tweak and test it for cross browser compatible im available for hire if you want to buy a custom blog design

Tori Wild said...

Will I lose all of my widgets if I use this template in place of my existing two column template?

Lawny said...

@Tori Wild
yes you will lose all your widgets if you do not copy all the widget code's over to the new one first before uploading it see this post

Coffee Ritual said...

I use the linklist gadget by Blogger but only the title appear. What went wrong? Thanks.

Lawny said...

@Coffee Ritual
you need to add a linklist widget and leave the title field empty for the navigation links to show

Coffee Ritual said...

Thanks. It works wonderfully.

Kanani said...

Would I be able to put my .jpg masthead across the top?

Lawny said...

some of my templates allow you to add an header image through the header widget but this template may not it is not hard to modify the code to add your masterhead

ANN said...

Good Job I Like It

Globetrot said...

I use this template and it looks great! But maybe about 25% of the time when I view the page, the orange header including my title and description text does not appear. Have you seen this problem before? Any idea how to fix it?


Lawny said...

what is the url of the site you are using it on ?

Globetrot said...

It's this one:


Sometimes the header shows but often not.


Lawny said...

most likely the image is not loading try downloading this image then upload it to photobucket.com or tinypic.com and copy the direct link then find the following CSS code in your template

#header-wrapper {
background:url(http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_hcF8ssiWKd4/SeRCyt3XbJI/AAAAAAAAAB8/ZOKJzIq7Z-I/s1600/2m4rgqw.jpg) top left repeat-x;

replace "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_hcF8ssiWKd4/SeRCyt3XbJI/AAAAAAAAAB8/ZOKJzIq7Z-I/s1600/2m4rgqw.jpg" with the direct link of the image you uploaded that should solve it

Globetrot said...

Thanks Lawny! I appreciate the help.

goldenrail said...

Great theme. One question: how can I change the color of the big orange block at the top? Not an option in Blogger's Fonts & Colors section. Tried changing it in the html but couldn't find the right line of code for it.

Lawny said...

If you would like to change the background colour of the header you may need to recreate the background graphic or use a solid colour the code for the header is

#header-wrapper {
background:url(http://i42.tinypic.com/2m4rgqw.jpg) top left repeat-x;

example of the header background set as red also the search box graphic may need to be redone

#header-wrapper {

[ reedjuan ] said...

Hi Lawny.. It's my fault.. I'm sorry.. Anyway, nice theme.. Love it :)

Lawny said...

you can only use my templates if you leave the credit links intact in the footer

[ reedjuan ] said...

may i know how you can find out other bloggers are using your templates?.. can you hack?..

Lawny said...

thats for me to know and you to guess ;-)

Brian said...

What are the height/width dimensions, in case I want to create a custom header?

Lawny said...

the layout has no set width meaning it will expand to whatever the visitors screen resolution is set at

RiPPa said...


I have this template, and I love it!

How do I add a linklist gadget in order to get navigation links to show?

Lawny said...

looks like you managed to sort it ;-)

RiPPa said...

Yes sir, I somehow managed to figure it out. I'll be tweaking the site and I may need your help fi anything comes up. :)

RiPPa said...


I want to add a custom header to my blog which uses this template. How can I create one that runs the full length of the top of the screen as you did? I have one right now, but it doesn't run the full length of it like I would like it to.

Lawny said...

The header has no fixed width so it will automatically expand width to the visitors browser window so it depends what their screen resolution is i used a thin strip of gradient repeated horizontally however the code would need tweaking if you plan on using an image instead of a gradient

RiPPa said...

That's what I'd like to do, but not sure what tweaking needs to be done. so as to enable the use of a header that will appear the same way.

Lawny said...

if you are going to use a gradient just replace the one found in the header-wrapper CSS code otherwise you will need to tweak the code yourself

Lawny said...

i do not answer questions via email the problem with your template is that the code has been modified so i recommend you reinstall it and add a linklist widget on the left section just below the header for the navigation links to show up

great99 said...

your templates are simple and nice....
I like the design of templates.....I had surf many sites but not able to find templates i want..but got them here.....

great99 said...

hello Lawny
I need some help.
I try to split the header in two columns but it does not work.can u help me how to split header into two column.I try it through your post "How to split your blogs header into two widgets" to do it.

great99 said...

hello sir
i want to add a new menu bar just above header as the one u have at www.lawnydesigns.com in this template of the same type as the one below header can u tell the coding for it. i try it but was not getting it.plz help me.

Lawny said...

try looking in the comments under the tutorial

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