Grey Blogger Theme

Thursday, 25 December 2008

Features of this template
  • Built in search box
  • Fonts can be customized through your Blogger dashboard
  • Fully widgetized sidebars and navigation links beneath the header
  • Authors comment highlighting

Demo | Download

61 Responses to “Grey Blogger Theme”

The Editor said...

Hi! Thanks for your great template :) You must have put in lots of efforts for this. It is totally bug free and easy to customise. You can see the final results here:

Only a small question, how can I insert a header picture of my own choice (instead of the dark grey background) and still allow the banner ad to be floating on top of the picture?

Lawny said...

@Rich friends
hi im glad you like my templates ;-) yes you could replace the background with a picture it depends what size the image is ? and the template may need tweaking a bit more what is the image you would like to use and where do you want it ?

Samsimilian said...

thank you for that great template, that's the first out of ten where my comments work. the only problem i have is, that there is no nav. bar.
any idea how i can change that? thanks a lot

Lawny said...

just add a linklist widget to the navbar section and put your links in there they should appear if not contact me also i had a look at the template on your blog and it seems that your blog post has inline styles which are causing your links to show blue underlines did you use microsoft word ? you need to take all the formatting out of the post and it will fix it

Samsimilian said...

thanks a lot i did remove the formating! i did not mean a linklist but a the layout and setting bar! thanks again for your quick help

Lawny said...

do you mean the blogger navbar ? or the navigation links beneath the header ?

Samsimilian said...

i just mean the buttons you can use to reach the settings for your blog, changing layout (html code). that's what normally on your dashboard.
i always had them directly on the template, so i guess these are the navigation links (sorry i do usually work a lot with computers but blogging and html is new to me)

Lawny said...

ok assuming you mean the top navbar just go in your template and find the following code


change it to


or remove it all if you want those quick edit (screwdriver and wrench icons) icons to appear on your blog

Samsimilian said...

thank you very, very much!!!!

Lawny said...

Your welcome ;-)

eklostermann said...

Lawny when you click on comments in the grey template and add to google reader there is a hypertxt concerning comments but when you click on it something like error 303. The url looks good that you have. I love your template but still trying to get comments under the post. Any ideas?

Lawny said...

have you checked settings ? go to settings > comments make sure Embedded below post is ticked as for the feed which link is it and what did you do let me know and i will fix it thanks im glad you like my templates ;-)

The Editor said...


actually i meant that i want the header image to fill the entire black area at the top, with the advertisement banner "floating" above the header image.

a sample header image here:

Lawny said...

@Rich friends
i need the full size image that you are going to use that one is only 319px wide

The Editor said...

Hi Lawny,

Sorry but I am not sure what size should the picture be. Can you advise pls?

Lawny said...

@Rich friends
the width of the header is set at 960px but the whole layout will span the width of the visitors browser window depends what their screen resolution is

The Editor said...

Hi Lawny,

I have set the picture I'd like to use to 960px width. Pls see the link below.

The Editor said...

Hi Lawny,

Thank you! You have been a great help :)

The Editor said...

Hi Lawny,

Another question. If instead of the dark grey header, how can i change the colour to something else such as dark red?

Lawny said...

@Rich friends
look for the following code

body {

change the hex codes to whatever you need check this link for more codes it will also change the background for the footer

bob said...


Love this template. Quick question. I noticed that the first letter of every word is capitalized. How can I change this?

Lawny said...

which letters are you talking about?

bob said...

For instance if I type "this is my blog" for my blog description, once I save and submit, it will appear as "This Is My Blog".

The same thing happens on the post titles. For example I type "this is my second post", it will appear as "This Is My Second Post"

Lawny said...

look for the following code

#header .description {
margin:0 5px 5px 3px;
padding:0 20px 15px 0;
line-height: 1.1em;
font: normal normal 105% Trebuchet, Trebuchet MS, Arial, sans-serif;
color: #ffffff;

delete the line where it says "text-transform:capitalize;" do the same for the post titles here's the code you need to look for

.post h3 {
margin:15px 0 0;
padding:0 0 6px;

GhuraBa said...

very nice template. i hope u will release many beautiful designs yet. Can i ask u something? what program are u using to make these templates? or did u just make it by your own?

Lawny said...

all my templates are hand coded using notepad++ i like to work with source code that way it is easier to find bugs in the code and fix them

Usman Latif said...


This is my first visit to your blog and your templates are really cool. I am looking for a clean and simple blogger template for my personal blog.

I like this Grey Blogger Theme. Is there any public template for your own blog? I would love to install it if you have it.

And what about the support..? I mean I am not much good with HTML so would need your help if I got stuck somewhere. Is there any forum for that or anything else?


Lawny said...

@Usman Latif
thanks for the comment im glad you like my templates i have not released my own template to the public if you need any help with my templates ask here in the comments thanks

Bonnie & Clyde said...

Dear Lawny,
my friend and i finally stumbled upon your most excellent blog when we were searching for a neat template to use for our blog :D!!

so far we have added a few widgets for RSS and some cute ones.

there is a teeny problem however.. we made this header and want it to span the entire top instead of a text header and the feed buttons

and we tried to put it on our header but we can't. Blogger automatically shrinks it to 300 pixels!!! we have tried to change the header pixel size but we are total html noobs..

can u please teach us how to edit the html??

thank you so much ^~^!!

Lawny said...

@Bonnie Clyde
blogger doesn't really shrink your images they just create shrunk copies of your images here's the direct link to your full size image i just looked at your blog and it looks like you have managed to do it yourself

Bonnie & Clyde said...

Thank you so much for replying :D!! I realized i had left the checkbox ticked for shrink to fit. then it shrunk the header, as you said.

John said...

Hi Lawny,

How can I make the Search to work for searching the web, and not only the blog?

Tks, John.

Lawny said...

you can try the search widget

John said...

sure, will do that, was wondering if the search button from your template may be modified so to do that, but if not, of course, i`ll try the widget :)

Cyril Cavalié said...

Hello Lawny,

First of all, thank you very much for providing such a great template!

I would like to know how to add a navbar beneath the header, like on your demo website. Please, could you also tell me the way to add a static page? (comments, etc, are welcome)

Doing so, could people find my latest blogs once they are looking for hot news by clicking on "older messages" beneath the static page?

All the best from France / Cheers_ /

Lawny said...

just add a linklist widget to the navigation section just below the header and they should appear see this post on how to create static pages

Cyril Cavalié said...

Thank you so much for your fast answer Lawny! Now I got my nav section and I'm right now about to try to create a static page. Best_

Cyril Cavalié said...

Hi Lawny,

Please let me introduce you to the blog of my first book (in French, sorry): "A New Art of Protest – Happenings, festive struggles and direct actions"...

Cheers ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Lawny,

Thanks so much for such a wonderful design!

I was hoping if you could help me to change the color of the menu bar (home, subscribe, contact, profile, links, recent comments, and the one of the gadgets)

Thanks a lot!


Lawny said...

you need to find the following CSS code

margin:0 auto;
border-top:1px solid #4d4b49;

change the background hex code to whatever you want

Anonymous said...

Hello again Lawny!

Thanks for your help and prompt reply! This is my first time using a blog so is taking me a little time to get used to it.

I have others questions: now how can I change the color of the little bars on the right side (the gadgets bars), so they are the same color of the navigation bar?

And other questions is what is the full size of the header, so I can upload an image there instead of having the grey background?

Thanks again for your help and your patience!


Anonymous said...

Lawny I have other 2 questions please help me!

1-How to I change the color of the title of my posts/

2-How do I activate the links on the menu bar. So far only home is working. How do I put information under the others link so I can activate them?

Thank you again!!!!!!


Lawny said...

to change the post title colour you need to edit the hex for the following CSS code

.post h3 a, .post h3 a:visited, .post h3 strong {

to activate the links you need to create those pages and link them up in the navigation bar read this post to see how they work

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lawny! sorry to bother you so much, but you didn't answer me my first two questions regarding how to change the color of the little bares on the right side (the gadgets bars) so they are the same color of the navigation bar, and what is the full size of the header, so I can upload an image there instead of having the grey background?
Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Good morning Lawny!

I hope you're having a great day! I'm still working on my blog and have other questions for you if you can help me I'll appreciate it!

1-How can I delete the 2 links on the top right side of the header that says entries and comments rss?

2-How can I change the color of the gadget boxes that are still in grey and I did change the color of the menu bar on top like you told me so I want the gadgets tittle boxes on the side of the blog to be the same color too.

3-Now that you show me how to activate the links on the menu bar, how can I put my email address so people can contact me under the "contact" link?

Thanks again lawny for your time and support!



Anonymous said...


I already figure out my questions!

Thanks a lot for all your help!

All the best!


Lawny said...

ok no problem

greekbox said...

This template looks nice and it is not "heavy" .
I will give it a try!
Good job. thanks.


Thanks for this wonderful template.

By the way, I have one question.

How can I change the search box to Google's Search box?


Lawny said...

replace the search box code with your own google search code

Anonymous said...

Hi Lawny,

Ur templates r very nice & give nice look to the blog ....
I have one problem with this template .. I am able to increase blog description size ..but i am not able to increase the size of my blog title .. I am able to change the font but not the size ... Please help me here .. thanks in advance .....

Lawny said...

what is the url of the site you are using this on ?

Anonymous said...

Hello Lawny! I hope this message finds you well!

I need your help once again. I was wondering how can I make one of the links on the menu bar to open in another window when clicked? right now is opening in my same blog window and it's taking me away from my blog page. Please let me know!!!!!

Thank you again!!!!!!


Thank you so much for your fast answer Lawny!

Lawny said...

add target="_blank" to the link for example

<a href="" title="Opens a new window" target="_blank">go to google</a>

Anonymous said...

Dear Lawny!

Sorry I didn't understand! I couldn't fix it! :-( ..please tell me again where is that I should put the open a new window...I still want the link name to be artwork, but I want it to open in another window instead so the viewer don't get away from my blog...THANK U again!!!

I can not paste the link for you to see. but my line is something like this: title 'artwork' artwork

Lawny said...

it doesn't matter what the link is you still need to add target="_blank" to the link for it to open in a new window

Anonymous said...

Oh! Lawny you are the BEST!

Thanks one more time!


Donna said...

Dear lawny, please help! I added a new navbar to my blogger blog, and used pictures (uploaded to photobucket) for the links. The pictures, however, now have a grey border/background, and I want it to be white like the rest of the header. I have no idea how to change it! Could you have a quick look? My blog is at
(it is the home, loving, about and contact navbar that I am talking about).

Lawny said...

i do not provide support for templates which are not designed by me

ananth said...

i like this template...its simple and elegant
check this on my blog

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