2 column green and gray blogger template

Monday, 27 October 2008

Features of this template
  • Fonts and colors can be customized through your Blogger dashboard
  • Fully widgetized sidebar and navigation links

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3 Responses to “2 column green and gray blogger template”

Dudel said...

This template was a GREAT START for me and I've basically taken it and given it that "Dudel charm" but there is one thing, just one, that bothers.

Why the heck/how the heck is everything in all capitals at the bottom? It makes putting widgets etc at the bottom basically worthless, or at least ugly.

Right now I've a weak "Back to Top" thing just to keep it from being naked... and the internal link helps.

Just thought I'd say I like the template and don't plan on using a different one any time soon.

Lawny said...

if you don't want capitals find the following CSS code

#footer {
margin:0 auto;
line-height: 1.6em;
text-align: center;

remove the line text-transform:uppercase; so it becomes

#footer {
margin:0 auto;
line-height: 1.6em;
text-align: center;

that should help

Dudel said...

Sweetness, thanks a billion!

I knew it was only one line of code and one that was somewhere near "footer" but I didn't know which one etc. CSS is still "new to me".

Thank you, Thank you... great template, very Dudel!

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